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Pub[lic] Theology

Engaging the modern world

with the ancient Faith

in a Pub 


Pub[lic] Theology is an annual event that takes place on Wednesday nights in June-July. Following St Paul's lead in the Book of Acts, we enter into the Pub-lic domain and have dialogue at the intersection of Christian beliefs and everyday life. 
The evening begins with a short discourse by a speaker on a scheduled topic, followed by a brief intermission to gather anonymous questions for Q&A and refill beverages, then the Q&A itself. 
In 2018, we tackled subjects such as Faith & Reason, Suffering & God's Grace, and Modern Political Discourse. This year we plan to cover "The Seven Sexy Passions" a.k.a. the seven deadly sins. Join us June 19, 26, and July 3 at Filly's on the Square!
Dr Christian Brady, Dean of the Honors College at the University of Kentucky, discusses Suffering & God's Grace.

Location: upstairs of Swaney Swift's on the Square

Summer 2019 - Filly's Game & Grill

Filly's Pub[lic] Theology.png

Summer 2018 - Swaney Swift's on the Square

Pub[lic] Theology FB Post (5).png


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